2010年7月31日 星期六

Fish paste jiaozhi 鮮魚漿餃子

New recipe - from the collection of Teng-Feng Fishball Museum II [the Tourist Factory] in Danshui 淡水登峰魚丸博物館二館【觀光工廠】:

材料: 魚漿一斤,水餃皮一包,青蔥一把,胡蘿蔔少許,洋蔥少許並灑上少許胡椒粉調味.
Materials: Fish paste 0.5 kg, 餃子jiaozhi skin, one bundle of green scallions, bits of carrots and onions, and a pinch of ground pepper [Note: use your own discretion as far as the proportion of each ingredient].

1. 魚漿與青蔥,胡蘿蔔,洋蔥攪拌均勻(內餡).[Mix everything together.]
2. 將內餡包入水餃皮壓緊.[Wrap the above mixture in jiaozhi skin.]
3. 煮熟浮起即可.[Boil until done, i.e., when they float to the top.]


Normally, 餃子jiao-zhi or 水餃shui-jiao is prepared with ground meat. This new receipt calls for fish paste which totally transforms the jiaozhi-eating experience. Give it a try.

When in Danshui, you can also visit:

Tamsui Teng-Feng Fishball Museum (the original) and the soon-to-open Museum II [the Tourist Factory] 淡水登峰魚丸博物館二館【觀光工廠】, and arrange for DIY sessions for school children to learn fishball-making and more:
All kids, young and old, are welcome!!

